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Budget Cuts - Impact on SEND Families

Voice  4  Parents  have become  aware  of proposed  savings    via  Budget  Cuts  by Wolverhampton  Council .  As your Parent  Carer Forum   we  believe   that  some of these proposed  cuts   will have an impact on SEND families  in Wolverhampton.


 Links to the Social Media Page where proposals are made   can be found here .


Links/  PDF's  to  the  full proposal   can be  found  below (  table  of   full savings are on page  13 or can be seen on the page below) 

Table  1  Savings  Proposals.jpg

We have no further information than the links above so we have sent   an email to all councillors and MPs of Wolverhampton City asking   for clarification and  proper consultation /impact   of charging for Post 16 Transport . Below is the email we have sent .  Cabinet are due to meet on 13th November to discuss these proposals. We will keep you updated on  any  developments  as they happen  but  you may  also  wish to contact your  local  councillors / MP's or  send us your feedback  at Feedback | Voice4Parents Wolves


Email Sent  to  Councillors/ MP's


We are Voice 4 Parents,  Wolverhampton  Parent Carer Forum and Wolverhampton's   Strategic Partner in all issues relating to SEND .  We currently have   over 1000 registered members and over 1600 social media followers.  Over the past   3 to 4 years,   we have received significant feedback from   families regarding poverty that they are facing and difficulties managing daily living costs.   Having had the opportunity to help the authority in allocating Household Support Fund over this time ,   we are in the unique position to clearly see how these financial struggles are impacting more and more SEND families .  The support being requested ranges from food , energy & utility bills,  clothing, bedding , continence products for their child or young person to basic furniture including beds, washing machines and cookers. Families have told us how they can't wash clothes at home, cook a meal and even have to share beds with their children  due to rising costs of living, covid , furlough,  redundancy/ lack of employment opportunities and this is without the additional cost of trying to raise children and young people with SEND . Many families only have 1 parent working due to the caring role that is required when having a child or young person with SEND. 



We have seen the article that has gone out on Wolverhampton Today announcing the Budget Cuts, we would formally like to raise our concerns   on the impact this will have on SEND families . 


Our  concerns  are   as  outlined in table  1  Savings  proposal 

  •  Adult Social  Care  provision  -    will this  impact  18 to   25   SEND  cohort?

  •  Therapeutic  Support  Contract-  Will this  impact  SEND ?

  • Reduction   in the  Financial  Contributions  to the  youth zone in the  city -  will this   impact  the  SEND  provision and  SEND  sessions?

  • Rationalisation  of  Leisure   Centres -   will this   impact  the  SEND  provision and  SEND  sessions?

  • Closure of Shopmobility  -  the  impact  on  disabled  people ?  independent  living  ?  Families  already  report   we  are not  a very  disabled  friendly   city  

  • Closure  of Public  Conveniences  - the  impact  on  disabled  people ?  independent  living  ?  Families  already  report   we  are not  a very  disabled  friendly   city  

  • Post  16  SEN  Transport  -  Charging  Policy -  This   will be  the biggest  concern  for  SEND  families, cost  of  living  has hit  SEND  families  the  hardest and  now they  will  have  this  additional  cost .  The existing  policy  had never been  clear  or implemented in regards  to  charging post  16 ,  we have consutted  with  CONTACT  who have  advised a  new  consultation  would be  required  to  implement  this (  with  clear  guidelines   that includes  criteria, process, costs etc)  .  It  has long been  recognised that   SEND  law  regarding  transport   wasn't  updated   inline  with young people  having to stay in  education until  18  and immediately  SEND families  are  at  a disadvantage as  often  the most  suitable   school  is not  close  to home  or  at  times not  even in the  city (  identified  in many EHCP's  as  a  requirement  for  education ) .   We  have  also been  advised  that  transport   for   post 19  should be  provided  free of  charge    (  reverting to  pre  16   rules).  Can  we   ask  if   comprehensive   risk  assessment  has been carried out  as  we  are concerned  that  those  that  are  charged    can consider  requesting  a  personal  budget to cover cost  which   means the  cost  will  still have to potentially be  covered by  the LA


We have attached several reports   that collates SEND families feedback and also gives you more information about our role.  It would be remiss  of us  not to highlight  the  current feedback  we have received and urge you  to consider this  and  the impact  it  would have on families  who  are  already struggling on many  levels   as this may  well lead to  families having to make  difficult  choices  between  things  like feeding their  family and their young persons education.


We   hope that you would consider the   above questions / information before   the cabinet meeting on Wednesday  before   any decisions are made and  the impact this will have on SEND families.    We  are more than  happy   for  you to contact  us  if you would like  to  discuss this  further  or  would  like  further   information from us.

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