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Every month, we hold our super friendly 'Time to Connect - Autism Cafe.'

(Please click for the Time to Connect Facebook Page)


Time to Connect was setup in February 2023 to help bring the community together.


It is a safe place for families with an autistic child or young person to spend quality time with each other and to help break the barriers of socialising. It also helps build confidence for those who struggle to reach out in their community and make new friendships in a supportive, all inclusive and safe space. We believe Peer Support is paramount to everyone's well being and this time together is perfect for people to socialise in a place where 'everyone understands,'


We aim to use multiple venues across the city and will update this page monthly to let you know where we will be ! 


At our sessions, we have fun and games and sensory tents. Weather permitting, we will try and use any outdoor space available to us. There are refreshments at subsidised prices and complimentary squash and snacks for everyone.


We offer feedback forms  at every session but please do feel free to contact us if you have any constructive criticism, compliments, suggestions on anything including potential venues and feedback to help us evolve. 



Our next sessions will be......



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